Meeraz Clinic- hair transplant tips for hair loss prevention in Covid 19

Publié le par Meeraz clinic

Nowadays, thousands of people are suffering from extensive hair fall and this hair fall can only be treated with the hhelp of surgical treatment or medical treatment. According to the hair experts everyone loss hundred hair strands per day, this strands considered to be natural hair fall. But if any person starts losing more than 150 hair strands per day then this can be considered as an extensive hair fall. If you are losing this type of hair fall then  you need to go with medical or surgical treatment.

Make sure before to go with hair transplant treatment then you need proper knowledge of which type of hair fall you have. So it is recommended that you should contact with hair transplant specialist. Meeraz clinic has the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon In Mumbai..

Some hair tips are as follows:

Washing hair can help you to protect hair loss because it keeps your scalp healthy and clean. If you really want to prevent your hair loss, then before shampoo you should apply hot oil on your head but make sure do massage with your finger tips.You can add Mediterranean foods like fresh herbs, raw vegetables in your diet. Mediterranean diet can help you to reduce the risk of androgenic alopecia.Add some proteins in your diet, researchers says a rich protein diet helps to prevent hair loss. For good protein you can add eggs, beans, peas, nuts, fish, chicken, and low-fat products.Drink at least three to four liter of water per day.

Hair Treatment

If all these tips are not working in hair loss then you can go with laser treatment or hair transplant treatment. Meeraz clinic is the best hair transplant  clinic near Mumbai, you can go with this clinic if you are searching for hair transplant  clinic in India. Hair transplant is the permanent solution of hair loss. The hair transplant offers you long lasting results and you don't need to undergo any other type of hair treatment in life after getting this effective treatment. There are also no side effects of this treatment.

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